by Ari Yares | Oct 28, 2019 | Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits
There are lots of strategies that you can use to encourage better behavior in kids. The challenge with most systems is sticking with them and consistency. Another problem is that once you’ve encouraged a specific behavior, now what? Try this strategy that uses...
by Ari Yares | Jul 3, 2019 | The Innovative Dad Blog
If I had a nickel for every danger, real and imagined, that I’ve had since becoming a parent, I’d be a pretty wealthy person. It’s not that there is anything wrong with the fears that I’ve had. Some of them may even have been useful, like the gallon of sunscreen I all...
by Ari Yares | Jan 23, 2019 | The Innovative Dad Blog
Most of us at one time or another have announced to a group that we’re just playing the devil’s advocate. What we mean, of course, is that we are taking on a line of negative questioning designed to help test the strength of an idea. The origin of the devil’s advocate...
by Ari Yares | Dec 19, 2018 | The Innovative Dad Blog
Nobel prize-winning economist Richard Thaler has described an interesting event early in his career revolving around a bowl of cashews and the insight that it provided. At a dinner party one evening in his home, Thaler had placed a bowl of cashews on the table while...
by Ari Yares | Dec 4, 2018 | The Innovative Dad Blog
Like most parents, I have a habit that I really want to break – my relationship with my smartphone. Looking at my smartphone way too often, makes me worry that it impacts my parenting. I don’t know if I’m craving the dopamine hit that a new notification provides...