by Ari Yares | Nov 24, 2016 | The Innovative Dad Blog
Many parents view parent-teacher conferences as a necessary evil. Frequently, they are inconveniently scheduled, causing you to take a day off from work (either to attend or to watch your kids). And they are short because the teacher had to get through a whole bunch...
by Ari Yares | Nov 18, 2016 | Design Thinking, Menu Planning, The Innovative Dad Blog
Packing school lunch is one of my least favorite tasks as a parent. It has to happen every school day. And then happens again the following night. Then, the lunches come home, often not completely eaten, with the kids complaining about what you packed and saying that...
by Ari Yares | Nov 8, 2016 | Design Thinking, The Innovative Dad Blog
No, that’s not a typo. My kids are not Vulcans. They are, however, volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Hence, VUCA. The Harvard Business Review defines VUCA as one of those trendy management catch phrases which is short for “Hey, it’s crazy...