
Innovation: Defining Our Terms

Innovation has clearly become a buzzword in our society. Everything is innovative from consumer products like shampoo and toilet paper to business practices like purchasing and budgeting. As it so often does with terms and elements of pop culture that may be “jumping...

Needless Needles?

I had some routine blood work done the other day and it just wasn’t fun. Now I wasn’t expecting Disney World, but there was nothing in the experience that made me think of myself as anything other than a human pin cushion. The room was sterile, the chair...

The Real First Impression: Redesigning Invoices

With the start of the school year, my social media feeds have been filled with suggestions and ideas for what the first day of school should look like. These posts were followed with helpful suggestions for back-to-school night and other start of the school year...

Where’s the Brake?

When I get into a car, I have a few basic expectations of how the car will work. There will be a steering wheel, gas pedal, brake pedal, etc. Some things, like the radio and air conditioner, I know will be different and take a few moments to get oriented to, but...