

In the last few days, I’ve seen more than a handful of #ParentingFails scroll by as I read my Facebook and Twitter feeds. For the most part, they aren’t that severe: missed appointments, forgotten lunches, and the occasional I could have handled my kid better. While...
My Kids Are VUCA

My Kids Are VUCA

No, that’s not a typo. My kids are not Vulcans. They are, however, volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Hence, VUCA. The Harvard Business Review defines VUCA as one of those trendy management catch phrases which is short for “Hey, it’s crazy...
Where Does Learning Take Place? 

Where Does Learning Take Place? 

Imagine if you could encourage literacy simply by having a family visit the grocery store? That’s the idea behind a recent story covered by NPR. It shared the results of a small study about a placing  signs in grocery stores to encourage conversations between...