by Ari Yares | Jul 3, 2019 | The Innovative Dad Blog
If I had a nickel for every danger, real and imagined, that I’ve had since becoming a parent, I’d be a pretty wealthy person. It’s not that there is anything wrong with the fears that I’ve had. Some of them may even have been useful, like the gallon of sunscreen I all...
by Ari Yares | Aug 27, 2018 | Parenting Strategies to Kid Habits
Curiosity killed the cat, right? But without allowing our kids to explore the world around them and scratch that curiosity itch, we risk stifling their growth. So, how do we balance our competing needs to keep kids safe and allow them to thrive by putting their...
by Ari Yares | Aug 9, 2016 | 21st Century Learning, The Innovative Dad Blog
I just finished watching Gever Tulley’s Ted Talk, “5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids Do,” and I’m not sure that I’m done freaking out. I have visions in my head of allowing my 5 year old to use real knife or letting my 8 year...
by Ari Yares | Mar 22, 2016 | Crisis Management
Today, I rode the DC Metro for the first time since the shutdown. I can’t say that the experience was uniquely different from before the Metro’s management decided to stop all train service for more than 24 hours. My colleagues were, of course, interested...
by Ari Yares | Sep 21, 2015 | 21st Century Learning
Think about it. Thirty to forty eyes staring right at you. Your palms begin to sweat. They are listening to your every word. Their heads track you as you move around the room, waiting to hear what your next utterance is. Are they waiting to pounce on me if I make a...