Raising Children Is a Wicked Problem

Raising Children Is a Wicked Problem

For most people, the word wicked conjures images of evil villains and dastardly deeds. Minimally, it brings to mind the Wicked Witch of the West either in her “I’ll get you my pretties” version from the classic movie or the more recent, just as green, but more melodic...
There is No Right Way to Parent

There is No Right Way to Parent

There are often moments where I wish that there was a parenting scorecard, just so I could know how I was doing. I’m not sure what the parenting equivalent of runs batted in is, but I could just see what the scorecard might look like – tantrums managed,...
Helping Children Cope with Stress

Helping Children Cope with Stress

Are kids today more or less stressed than their parents were growing up? Maybe. A better question might be what do we as parents do about helping our kids manage stress? Watch this episode of the Innovative Dad to learn more about the causes of stress and what we as...