by Ari Yares | Sep 18, 2021 | Menu Planning, The Innovative Dad Blog
The onslaught of fall Jewish holidays continues this week with the start of Sukkot. The exciting part of this holiday is the opportunity to gather with friends in our Sukkah (think non-permanent gazebo). Ironically, these meals were COVID-19 friendly before we knew...
by Ari Yares | Jul 10, 2021 | Menu Planning, The Innovative Dad Blog
One lesson I’ve learned from trying to be an innovative parent is the importance of meal planning. It makes shopping and prepping easier and sometimes cuts down on how many times I’m asked what’s for dinner (we post the menu on the fridge and put it...
by Ari Yares | Jul 10, 2021 | Menu Planning, Recipes
This dish is a staple of our friend Linda’s table. It combines delicious blintzes with a yummy eggy souffle’. Our go to is to combine cheese blintzes with cherry blintzes but you can put in your own favorites. We tend to use Golden Blintzes as you can...